It’s not always good to believe what you hear, even though a friend of a friend of a friend of yours swears it is true. When it comes to car maintenance and fuel efficiency, all sorts of information is flying this way and that. What’s fact and what’s fiction? Here we have found and busted some common car care myths for your benefit.
Change your oil every 5,000 km
Myth! Some car workshops might do a convincing talk of asking you to change your engine oil once every 5000 km. This is unnecessary. In reality, you could go up to twice that distance, depending on the mileage of your car. A reliable source of reference would be to follow your car manual or servicing logbook that comes with it. If you’ve managed to misplace that, then call up your car dealer that you regularly deal with. (Via
Air Conditioning uses much fuel
Myth! Many (including myself once upon a time) are convinced that air conditioning actually takes up more fuel than winding your windows down for fresh air. Tests show that the difference in fuel consumption is negligible, plus, depending on the make of your car, driving with your windows down might actually consume more fuel due to the increased drag of the car. So if you’re running low on fuel, don’t bother switching off the AC. (Via
Inflate tyres according to the sidewall indicator
Myth! Tyres come with an embossed set of specifications printed on the sidewall (on the tyre itself). The indicator on the sidewall does not take into account the type of car, and sometimes does will not match the ideal tyre pressure needed by your vehicle. Again, follow your car manual specifications, or the readings on the sticker indicator which can be usually located on the doorjamb. (Via
Premium RON 97 fuel is better for your car
Myth! Unless your car’s fuel injection is specifically made to run on premium fuel, using RON 97 instead of RON 95 is not going to make a lot of difference on your car – but it will on your pocket. Most cars are made to process the regular RON 95 petrol. So check your car specs before choosing to burn more money on the RON 97. (Image via
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