Tuesday, 3 September 2013


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Though this device may not quite translate the talking the Italians do with their hands, it can surely translate the talking they do with their mouths. And it’s not just Italian -Sigmo allows talking and understanding in more than 25 languages in real-time. There’s no need for bulky dictionaries and awkward, slow translations through mobile apps.
The Sigmo is small, light and  it’s not bigger than an ordinary watch face. Users will be able to take it without any problems on any trip, hanging it around neck, attaching it to clothes, their belt or strap it on their arm with its own special attachment.
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Sigmo has two modes of voice translation. Just simply set native language and the language to translate to. By pressing the first button and speaking the phrase, Sigmo in turn will instantly translate and pronounce it in a selected language. By pressing the second button, the device will translate speech from the foreign language, then instantly speak in the users native language.
Silver Sigmo (1)
The device operates utilizing an existing mobile phones app which runs on Android or iOS operating systems through Bluetooth and works with iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. The translation itself is made through already existing voice translating services. With the help of the free of charge Sigmo App on the phone, users will be able to change languages on the device.
How does it work
The device is still in development, but the last prototype can do everything the final version will do. The teams work is on the last stage and they are ready to start the mass production of the device. The good news is that there is no need to wait for the market launch of Sigmo because the device is presently available on Indiegogo for 50% of retail price.
Two inventors, Marti Karrer and David Barnett from Switzerland, faced the problems of communication while traveling and realized that such problem is wide spread. Current solutions, such as bulky dictionaries, slow mobile apps that consumes a lot of juice, expensive translation gadgets and human translation services do not satisfy people’s needs. So, the team at Sigmo invented a device that will be available for everyone. 
David Barnett                        Marti
         Founder David Barnet                                   Founder Marti Karrer
They have done a commendable job so far with the prototypes, apps, etc. Now, they need funding support to prepare for mass production by purchasing all necessary electronic components and molds. Funds will also be used for future software updates of Sigmo.
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In conclusion, it has to be said that Sigmo brings communication between different people from the entire world to the next level, allowing talk and understand in foreign languages without any barriers.


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