Books Review
For those with a fascination for dead famous people, Tod brings this detailed and well-written addition to any morbid library collection of the macabre.
There are locations of 500 celebrity grave sites making this a hefty tome of tombs indeed! The famous dead are arranged according to subject matter for example actors from Humphrey Bogart to Heath Ledger, singers from Elvis to Sid Vicious, sports figures and more. But Tod doesn’t just focus on the more media exposed ones. He also writes about painters like Salvador Dali and Michelangelo, authors like poet Robert Frost and Margaret Mead and even notorious figures such as John Dillinger the bank robber and Jack Ruby, the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald are also included.
Not only is their resting place listed but also their place of birth and a little of everything in between. Thus we get fascinating insights and info on the loves, lives and legacies of each personality. Tod writes with wry humor and his advice can be amusing as well as practical for example tips on how to avert graveyard security are included for the adventurous.
There may be occasional lapses in biographical detail from time to time. Only natural due to the sheer numbers of (dead) people involved. Maybe someone was not someone’s wife but a mistress, or that directions to a particular burial site are wrong by one turn. This sort of nitpicking does seem a bit anal, unless you’re actually using the book as a map to visit said site. Thank god for Google maps then I say.
The Kardashian sisters have pretty much perfected the Paris Hilton school of self-marketing (publicity whoring) and elevated it to an art. Despite lacking any discernible acting talent (save of the illicit kind in Kim’s case), being unable to sing and dance or even lip-sync, they have multiple TV shows that follow their apparently oh-so-amazing lives. Their word is sought after in the fashion industry, their patronage is welcomed by any establishment and the media seems to absolutely fawn over them. They are even rated higher on the celeb scale than genuine actors, singers, song writers and other creative artist types. Never has so much spotlight bulbs and magazine ink been wasted on such flakiness.
Nevertheless one must salute the utter cojones of the Kardashians in marketing a product that consists wholly of their empty selves and nothing else. The sisters are all about style with virtually no substance. Much like this book, really.
There are no shocking revelations here. Any secrets and surprises worth revealing would have already been shown on that shrieking pantomime of a TV show of theirs. They don’t even talk about the infamous sex tapes nor are there any photos, so pervs better think twice before parting with your hard earned cash.
For Kardashianista’s there is plenty to whet their appetite. Gems of family history like Khloe being homeschooled because she couldn’t match her sisters reputation to Kourtney being a bitch to Kim when they were younger and Kim’s secret marriage in Vegas which she tried to keep secret from the family. Enthralling in its vapidity. Only die-hard fans will truly care.
To celebrate last year’s impressive Skyfall release and box-office ticket sales, here is a (belated) offering to the altar of all things Bond…James Bond. Written by that icon of all things suave and debonair, Sir Roger Moore, this is an in-depth, behind the scenes view into James Bond like you have never seen before. And before one thinks this is another money grubbing exercise by a has-been, you’re wrong. Proceeds from the book go to UNICEF.
There are sections on the gadgets, the cars and most importantly to some, the babes (I mean the women). Readers also get a low down on all the villains such as the iconic Dr. No, Goldfinger or Lockjaw; as well as the exotic and not so exotic locations such as Istanbul, Paris and many more. There’s a full dossier on all the actors who have played 007 over the years starting from Sir Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Sir Roger himself, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and the latest, Daniel Craig.
Sir Roger’s wry, self-deprecating wit shines throughout (keep an eye on the captions accompanying the photos) and we get warm recollections of his time as Bond. Unsurprisingly this is where he has the most to offer as he tells of rewriting Q’s lines of gibberish at the last minute and the inane and funny comments of his female co-stars while on set.
To wit; if you’re into all things Bond, get this book, if only because it was written by the smoothest smirk to ever wear the tux and license to kill, Sir Roger Moore.
Arnold, Ah-nuld Schwarzenegger. Mention his name and you imagine the hulking death machine from the future in a leather jacket and shades saying, “I’ll be back” in a light Austrian accent. Enthusiasts of the male form will remember the bulging muscles. Or even the term ‘governator’ which was in vogue a few years back. And you will also recall his fall from grace, the end of his marriage, all due to him being a randy goat with the housekeeper.
This is pretty much Arnold’s step-by-step path to success. Authored by him, it certainly is no objective account of his life. Merely his version of how and why he achieved fame, fortune and glory. It is full of reminisces and anecdotes and is a pretty good motivational guide for readers.
On the other hand it also feels like a slick self-image exercise after
the damning and sordid scandal that ended his marriage broke.
the damning and sordid scandal that ended his marriage broke.
He talks about using steroids but claims not to have known it was wrong. Although he doesn’t brush it aside, it’s clear that he feels he’s done nothing wrong and his conscience is clear.
Similarly concerning his infidelity and womanizing (which later led to the explosive scandal with the housekeeper and separation from then wife Maria Shriver) again, there is little contrition or repentance by Schwarzenegger. He acknowledges he did wrong, but seems to underplay the gravity of it.
Whether it is read as the chronicle of an immigrant who achieved the American Dream, or a cynical attempt to rehabilitate his damaged public image, Total Recall is a fascinating peek at the man behind the muscles.
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger
Born in Austria on July 30, 1947, Arnold immigrated to the United States in 1968 at the age of 21. He’s been a seven time Mr. Olympia, a four time Mr. Universe and was even a co-owner of Planet Hollywood (a unique honour he shared with action star buddies Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis and Demi Moore). He’s played a barbarian, a ruthless cyborg, a kindergarten teacher and a pregnant man, among others. On the political front Arnold had been appointed to Bush Senior’s Cabinet and served as Republican Governor of California. Arnold showed he was no political partisan, crossing the aisle and marrying Maria Shriver, niece of Democratic President John F. Kennedy. Arnold and Maria were blessed with four children.
Throughout his bodybuilding and movie career Arnold was dogged by allegations of steroid abuse and sexual harassment, but nothing came of it. Then in 2011 the story broke that the ‘Governator’ had fathered a child from an affair with his housekeeper Mildred Patricia Baena in 1997. That would prove to be the death knell for his marital life.
She exploded as a media sensation during the wedding of Prince William to her sister Kate Middleton. Since then she’s become a celebrity almost in her own right. Both the entertainment and tabloid dress especially in the UK are engrossed in following and commenting on her whether it be her style sense in clothes or her seemingly tumultuous love life (there was even an attempt to link her with Prince Harry).
But the younger of the Middleton sisters has carried herself with grace and poise reminiscent of her older sibling, living life the way she wants. Having a penchant for catering and party planning, it is only natural for Pippa to share with avid readers the ingredients that go into making a successful party.
So here we have ‘Celebrate’, which is full of tidbits and cooking recipes for any celebration and festive occasion. Pippa furnishes the brilliantly coloured photos and enticing dishes with advice on party preparations like for example; adding glitter to pine cones adds festive cheer for Christmas or making stained glass bats for Halloween.
This isn’t a book full of innovative ideas and cool, new-fangled foods. It’s a helpful guide to having a traditional British style party for any and all festivities. Thus there are excerpts about having ‘conker’ games (horse chestnut tree seeds) and in lighting bonfires. In the Scottish recipes section she writes about Tartans (traditional Scottish crisscross designs on kilts). Regrettably there was no recipe for making Haggis though.
As ‘Samantha’ in ‘Sex and the City’, Kim Catrall played a sexually magnetic woman who indulged in her passions both for the sins of the flesh and for the audacity of living life at large. Here the woman behind the role uncovers the secrets of the bedroom and what making love is really all about.
Don’t let the enticing cover fool you. This is no sex manual. Nor is it a lesson in the female orgasm. That was the subject of Kim’s first book. Instead ‘Sexual Intelligence’, explores sexual interactions and patterns by journeying into the history and culture of sex. It also provides an understanding of the mechanism and complexity that goes into human sexuality and sexual behavior.
There is a scientific breakdown of how sex works from how friction and tactile sensation generate energy, increased blood flow to erogenous areas and neural responses to pleasure. But it’s not all dry and prosaic. Sex as image, fantasy and art is also presented with tales of ancient gods and goddesses cavorting in carnal celebration.
Photos in the book are illustrative but never tacky or demeaning giving us a view of sex as the union of mind and body. There are also shots of Kim herself; this is her book after all. A small indulgence to her vanity.
At the end of the day it’s an informative and approachable guide that highlights the holistic nature of sexuality as a dance of desire, arousal, messaging and release (these are also the chapter titles in the book).
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